[Week 2] Merry-Go-Round

“Life is like a Merry-Go-Round. It is full of ups and downs, sometimes you feel like you’re just going in circles, but when the rid ends, you want to do it again!” Lind Poindexter
So, it’s week 2 of my challenge and the prompt is COLOUR. Now for this one I had a specific image in mind. A mural that I have been meaning to stop and photograph for some time. However, it was not to be as I was not well enough to go this week! Another time!
So for this week I chose a photograph that I had taken in my local town just the day before I became ill.
I kept this piece very simple and add just one overlay. I duplicated the image, added a motion blur to make it look as though it was moving, but then masked out the prominent horse in the front. I adjusted the luminosity in various ways, added a vignette and then did a colour cast to warm the image up. Finally I did a very small amount of dodging an burning.